Saturday, July 3, 2010

10 Random Facts

Because I have nothing better to do with my time on my last days before I go back to the work routine. And because what I really want to do is share the exciting news about my family but I don't want to jinx so therefore I will keep it to myself until everything is done and written.

1. I have a lot of books. I mean, a looooooot of books. Most have been purchased by me. I have an entire box of books outside that were gifted by an old teacher. I calculated its worth, about $300 worth of books just in that box alone.

2. I used to hate wearing skirts/dresses. You couldn't catch me dead in one for all of my pre-teen to adolesence years. After high school, I began to love 'em. Now I own a bit too many.

3. I have not ever done any sort of drugs. Never have, never will.

4. When intoxicated, in the past mostly, I would smoke a ciggarate or two.

5. I'm one of those people that when asked where do we go to eat, I can never decide. I'm indecisive that way.

6. I'm allergic to pollen, in particular to freshly cut grass. And dust. And cats, I cannot be around cats!

7. I tend to become obssesed with trends before they become trends. i.e. florals, nautical stripes, etc. This is also the case with my likes in music. It's like the indie side of me, I like certain bands before the hype around them burns them out.

8. I am only attracted to older men. Not like old old men, just older than I am. I have never dated anyone younger or anyone my age. The oldest I have "dated" was someone 18 years my senior.

9. I think that the most beautiful man to have ever walk the planet was Kurt Cobain.

10. Although Kurt is the ultimate man in my eyes, I have a weak spot for MLB players. Not because they earn a lot, but because they're just too damn sexy.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Don't ever tell anybody anything.

My favorite quote from one of my favorite books, Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger.
If there is one thing I took away from those dreaded AP classes in high school, it's the love for literature.
I will forever be thankful to Mrs. Woodrow, my 11th and 12th grade AP English & English Literature teacher, for introducing me(or in some cases, allowing me to rekindle my admiration) to most of my all time favorite books, poems, authors, essays, etc. In order to save time & space, I'll just name the people who wrote the words, rather than list all of my likes, there are too many.
  • William Shakespeare
  • J.D. Salinger
  • Sylvia Plath
  • F. Scott Fitzgerald
  • Tennessee Williams
  • Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • Jean Jacques Rousseau
  • Mark Twain
  • Jane Austen
  • Aristophanes
  • Walt Whitman

Just to name a few... what can I say, I have a fascination for the written word.

I'm the most terrific liar you ever saw in your life. It's awful. If I'm on my way to the store to buy a magazine, even, and somebody asks me where I'm going, I'm liable to say I'm going to the opera. It's terrible. -Holden Caulfield.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

1 wk left of being 21...

I'm dreading 22. It doesn't sound fun.

In other news, I can't get enough of The Dead Weather.

Jack White, you're a fucken brilliant artist.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Why, Carlos D, WHY!?!

What the hell is going on in New York?!
First Elefant breaks up, & now this:
(click link to see Pitchfork's full article)
Carlos D Leaves Interpol

& yes, Walter pointed out that this should have been seen coming because they did have trouble during "Our Love to Admire" but I still feel like this came out of nowhere.
I know that Daniel Kessler(*drools! He's so sexy), Paul Banks(*drools again) and Sam Fogarino are still in the band, but it just won't be the same without him. His style is very distinct. He did complete the new album as part of Interpol, but he will not tour with them :(
I will still do my best to see them live this year, but I'll miss Carlos D.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Why I will never leave a game early again, EVER.

Never in my life have I left early from Dodger Stadium. EVER!
But tonight, both Steph and I were very tired and just the thought of work tomorrow was enough to convince us to leave during the 8th inning. Biggest regret, ever. John Ely did a magnificent job, better than our "star" pitcher's have done lately. Sadly, he did not get the win because the Big John did not do his job to shut out the 9th inning. That alone was killing us on the drive back home. We won, due to Andre Ethier's walk-off grandslam. I literally yelled at the TV, woke up my parents & annoyed my brother. Who cares, I am deeply saddened I was there, but left & missed that cruitial ending. I never say this, but FML!
At least we won. & avoided the sweep. Now my dearest boys in blue, how about getting your heads out of your asses & start winning. Kk, thanks. I love you dearly ♥

However, I did enjoy the company. We met the most random & diverse group of guys tonight.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

teach me to meet my desires...with some grace

I was bored and cold yesterday afternoon,this is typical of my evenings on campus. So I headed to the library, but decided to sit in the lunch room for a while to study. That failed since people were loudly discussing square roots & such, so I walked inside & sat at a computer. I logged onto my hotmail because I had to email a peer some notes. & then I saw it... a message from Interpol's website. I knew what was coming prior to opening it, but once I saw it infront of me, it was real. Interpol (FINALLY!) released a new song!
After carefull review(ie. listening to it over and over again) I have come to the conclusion that:
I like it. At first, I was like it's long and was hesitant to love it. I quickly recalled that Editors, who have been compared to Interpol ironically enough, have a song titled "Lights" on their "The Back Room" album. Don't get me wrong, I adore Editors(though their newest album left me wanting old Editors back, but alas, that seems to the issue with most new albums of bands). But this "Lights," while sounding slightly dark, definately sounds like Interpol. I will say, that I was like many other Interpol fans who were expecting a "Turn on the Bright Lights"~esque sound/feel to the new album. You know, where I felt like a guitar riff would just pop out nowhere during the track, & it didn't. But all in all, I am happy.
I cannot wait for them to release more songs and post dates. I WILL see them play live!

In other news: I got my copy of Catcher in the Rye back.
Also pictured, my ticket for Andre Ethier bobblehead night. Sitting field level for this baby ♥

Sunday, April 18, 2010

I Can't Win

For the past week, I have felt kind of horrible.
No emotional-stress bullshit, but rather actual physical sickness.
It got so bad that I had to leave school last week & come home hours before my day was over.
After (reluctantly) going to the doctor, it turned out I had either 1 of 2 things: an infection due to my allergies/sinuses or anemia. Both diagnoses were not comforting, but I had the "lesser" of the 2, an infection. Stupid, right? I knew allergies would be the death of me, but I never thought they'd actually be that bad. Well, luckly I went in & got treatment for it, so no developing chronic sinuses. But now I am both broke(having no insurance blows!) and tired as hell. The medicine has me functioning so slow. Ugh.
Since this post was so no fun, I thought I'd brighten up my evening with a nice photo:
Nick Valensi, you are one gorgeous motherfucker.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Why Diego, WHY!?!

Elefant appears to be no more...

"elefant has ended. that chapter is over. my solo work which ive been working on
or the last 5 years will begin to see the light over the next few weeks. thats
really all i can say at this point. hopefully i will know more soon... abrazos,

as written by Diego Garcia on his Facebook music fan page.

It's a sad, sad, sad day for all Elefant fans. Diego fans, we at least still have him, but I can't help but reminisce about the good ol' days. I will forever treasure the times I've sang at right along with them during their last LA shows this past summer & November. All 4 (former) members are a joy to be around, really down to earth group of guys. I am glad to say I know this first hand, having met them on a few occasions.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

You Only Live Once...

And right now, this life is boring!
I wake up & go to school.
I come home & do hw.
I wake up & go to work.
I come home & do hw.
& repeat.
The weekend comes & I catch up on sleep.
That's life as of late.
What a bore!!!


Obviously, the title of my post is a song from the Strokes♥
While catching up on reading some blogs, I saw these photos of Alexa Chung as posted on I love Alexa's style! & Stylescrapbook is one of my favorite fashion blogs to read :) It's nice to see a fellow Latina making her name known.


Sunday, January 24, 2010

"move up closer, I know you want to dance!"

So it shouldn't come as a surprise that I like bars with live music. & even better when it's new places & bands I love. That was the case for my first bar & gig of 2010.
The place: The Joint.
The band: Inverse.

After they had to leave, I guess driving from LA to Temecula means leaving early(it is a far drive), we went on a little mission that landed us in Dave n Busters, a gay bar w/ horrible music, & then in Pasedena at another bar. In all these places, eyes followed us. It got annoying quick. Old men, 15 year olds & their father("there's 3 of you, & 3 of us"), lesbians, guys from just about every ethnic group, a fake british guy, you name it, it happened. All in all, this night was hella fun & a great way to end my last wkend w/o parents. It would have been better if the haters weren't keeping their eyes on a certain guitarist... but w/e. I behaved.

Soundcheck... 1, 2, 3!

a candid & unaware moment:
He wanted a picture w/ all of us. Cuz he was on a "date w/ all 3" lol

Monday, December 28, 2009

Oh, so swoon baby starry nights

2009 is almost to an end. And I don't know whether or not I hate this year. I've felt a sense of lost friendships, although in the technical term, I am still friends with said question marks.

And then there are those moments that made '09 one to remember...
I am beyond grateful for the friends who stood up and were actual friends to me. They know who they are. Family has also stepped up to the plate. With one little person in particular who has filled my heart with both a bit of sadness and endless amounts of happiness. And then the fear of losing my little buddy, David, had me realize that I cannot take life for granted. He has also managed to put a smile on my face every single time I see him. He's my little survivor & I absolutely love having him in my life.

Then there have been the events where I wondered "what am I going to wear!?" & made me forget about the problems surrounding me. There were many, many, many moments. From being able to step onto my beloved Dodger Stadium field, to meeting Diego Garcia, to laying on the sand w/ friends, to remembering how much I loved guestlists, to walking all of downtown & getting lost while looking for a museum with my best guy friend, to taking a chance(that although it failed) I enjoyed the nights I stayed up all night talking to him, to cutting loose & getting the hottest guy in a bar(talk about self-esteem boost!), to finding out beer isn't so bad... good times.

One last note... I have rekindled my love for Interpol. Though they have always been one of my favorite bands, I had neglected to hear them in recent times & have a new found adoration for their good ol' tunes. Also I have realized that although I still think Paul Banks is sexy, I have changed over to Daniel Kessler because he is simply adorable, is an amazing guitarist, he's sexy and has great moves.
Did I mention he is sexy?

& speaking of sexy... I love Matt Kemp. & love that he tweeted this:

oh hayy! ;]

Friday, December 11, 2009

It doesn't matter, baby.

The fall quarter consumed my life in during the past month. & then my two(yes, TWO!) jobs have made me into a productive, mature version of myself. I am not sure whether or not I am taking a liking to this new found me, because I am beginning to miss my care-free days like crazy. And meanwhile I have managed to engage in some social play on rare occasions, I am sure glad to be on winter break(from school at least).

Before I ramble, which I have decided to do via photos, I did end up going to see Elefant, up front & center, of course. I met all 4 band members, again. I got Diego's autograph. Woke up the next day with massive bruises on my legs/knees due to all the pushing of the crowd. Life is goooooooooooooood.
(More photos from this night on my Flickr)
Diego Garcia
Elefant @ Vertigos 11/22/09

Also, I have rekindled my crush on this beautiful man, Raoul Bova.

& I'll end this post with these old photos, of my boots & Walter's boots. & of a tree I took a photo of during a walk of the museum.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Elefant back at Vertigos!!!

Last time they played at Vertigos... they were beyond amazing! You can view the photos I posted on my flickr and on older posts here to see what you may have missed and a preview of what's to come because they will be playing here again on Sunday, November 22nd for only $10. Get your tickets here!

When I found out they were going to return, I made sure to contact Stephanie & Shannon & we made our plan to attend. This is an event that cannot be missed!